Newsroom • CMHAM - Community Mental Health Association of Michigan
Page Restricted to: All Members


The work of the Community Mental Health Association of Michigan (CMHA) and its members are, from time to time, featured in radio, television, news print and other related forms from across the state. This section of the CMHA web page features those new stories.

News stories generated by the partnership with Issue Media Group

This partnership, with the Issue Media Group (IMG), is built around the concept of “solutions journalism” – providing news about innovative and concrete ways that communities, across Michigan, are addressing the needs of their residents along a number of dimensions – healthcare, economic development, education, the arts, to name a few. Solutions journalism investigates and explains, in a critical and clear-eyed way, how people try to solve widely shared problems. While news sources and many of us typically define news as “what’s gone wrong,” solutions journalism runs counter to that definition by covering the innovative responses to identified needs and problems.

This partnership ensures that the work of Michigan’s public mental health system is highlighted in IMG’s large suite of solutions journalism-focused publications.

You can subscribe, at no cost, to these publications, on the websites of each of these publications. The list of partner publications and their websites are provided below:

Articles below:

News Coverage of CMHA and Members 

Radio and Television Coverage of CMHA Members, CMHA, and persons served by the system:

Print News Coverage of CMHA Members, CMHA, and persons served by the system:

Walk A Mile Rally 2023

The live event will be taking place on September 13, 2023.

Media coverage of this event will be added to this page after the event takes place.

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