Award Submission Form – CMHAM – Community Mental Health Association of Michigan
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Award Submission Form

The “Jim Neubacher” Media Award

Jim Neubacher, award-winning reporter, became an outspoken advocate for the rights of people with disabilities after he developed multiple sclerosis. He helped advance the understanding of people with disabilities by writing a column for the Detroit Free Press called, “Disabled in Detroit,” which focused on disabilities and how they affect individuals, families and society.

Jim was a tireless advocate of many causes and related legislation that benefited thousands of Michigan people and their families who cope daily with mental or physical disabilities. Jim died on March 22, 1990, but the results of his efforts and his commitment live on.

  • I. The “Jim Neubacher” Media Award is presented to the individual or organization from the media (print or broadcast) that has:
    • 1. portrayed mental health services accurately and positively in an effort to reduce stigma of mental illness or developmental disabilities in the community,
    • 2. contributed to improving community awareness and perception about community –based public mental health services in Michigan, and
    • 3. has representative copy (audio, videotape or article) of relevant work.
  • II. Nominations may be submitted by any of the following: –
    • A CMHSP, PIHP or a CMHAM Affiliate Member –
    • An Association Standing Committee –
    • An Association Region –
    • The CMHAM Executive Board

Jim Neubacher Media Award

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To be considered, all nominations must be submitted on this form, or a copy of same, to: CMHAM, 426 South Walnut, Lansing, MI 48933 or Fax: 517-374-1053.

THE DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS IS MARCH 1, AT 5:00pm. All nominations will be submitted to the Member Services Committee in care of the Association office. Award recommendations will be based on the quality of this description, its support information and attachments, not the number of nominations an individual receives. The award will be presented during the Association’s Spring Conference.

For more information, please contact Monique Francis at 517-374-6848 or e-mail

The David LaLumia Outstanding Professional Award

David LaLumia was the first executive director of the Association of Community Mental Health Association  of Michigan (CMHAM).  Dave began his career in Michigan as a legislative staff person to Senator Joe Snyder in 1975.  He assisted in the merging of the Board and Directors’ associations into CMHAM in 1983, and was appointed CMHAM’sfirst full time director in 1984.  He served in that capacity until 2008. The purpose of the “David LaLumia Outstanding Professional Service” award is to honor employed individuals from within the public mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance use disorder system who have made, over time, an outstanding contribution to Michigan’s publicly funded system.  This award will be presented annually at the CMHAM Fall conference.

David LaLumia Outstanding Professional Service Award

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THE DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION IS JUNE 1, AT 5:00pm.  All nominations will be submitted to the Member Services Committee in care of the Association office.  Award recommendations will be based on the quality of this description, its support information and attachments, not the number of nominations an individual receives. The Committee will submit a recommendation to the Executive Board.

For more information, please contact Monique Francis at 517-374-6848 or

The “Go To Bat” Award

The “Go To Bat” Award is presented by the Community Mental Health Association of Michigan to an individual outside of the public mental health system (DCH or CMH) who exemplifies extraordinary concern, advocacy or leadership aimed at improving the quality and quantity of community-based mental health services for persons with mental illness and developmental disabilities in Michigan.  (Note: “Outside of public mental health” refers to an individual who cannot be receiving monetary compensation from the CMH system).

Go To Bat Award

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To be considered, all nominations must be submitted on this form, or a copy of same, to: CMH Association of Michigan, 426 South Walnut, Lansing, MI 48933 or Fax: 517-374-1053.  THE DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS IS NOVEMBER 8, AT 5:00pm.  All nominations will be submitted to the Member Services Committee in care of the Association office.  Award recommendations will be based on the quality of this description, its support information and attachments, not the number of nominations an individual receives.  Nominees will NOT be considered without supporting documentation.  The award will be presented during the Association’s Winter Conference.

For more information, please contact Monique Francis at 517-374-6848 or e-mail

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