About Our Members – CMHAM – Community Mental Health Association of Michigan
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About Our Members

Today, in all 83 Michigan counties, community mental health services programs (CMHSPs) and the organizations with which they contract provide a comprehensive range of services and supports to children, adolescents and adults with mental illnesses, developmental disabilities and substance use disorders. The CMH network provides 24 hour emergency/crisis response services, screens admissions to state facilities, acts as the single point of entry into the public mental health system, and manages mental health benefits for persons enrolled in the Medicaid, MIChild and Adult Benefit Waiver programs. Nine CMHSPs also serve as Substance Use Disorder coordinating agencies.

CMHSPs are accountable to local citizens through the county Board of Commissioners, which appoints the twelve person CMH board of directors. Volunteer CMH board members establish the policy direction for the program consistent with state and federal law, standards and guidelines. Statewide, one-third of CMH board members are primary consumers and family members. CMHSPs are fully accountable governmental entities, which ensure consumer and public participation in system decision-making and equitable access to services.

Michigan’s community mental health network system has been nationally recognized for providing a comprehensive array of services, for offering services and supports which promote independence and inclusion in community life, and for pioneering requirements that all consumers fully participate in their service planning and delivery through a person-centered planning process mandated by the Mental Health Code.

Since 1998, CMHSPs have been responsible for management of the Medicaid specialty services benefit. This waiver, approved by the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), authorized the first managed Medicaid specialty services program in the country serving all three populations — persons with mental illnesses, developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders.

CMHSPs and their networks of service providers continue to grow, continue to change, and continue to promote the health and safety of Michigan communities.

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