Walk a Mile Rally
The next Walk A Mile Rally will be held on September 17, 2025 – Mark Your Calendar!!
The Walk a Mile in My Shoes Rally, held last year on September 17, 2024, was a huge success! The Rally saw approximately 1,750 participants and advocates join together to let the legislators of Michigan know that all citizens receiving behavioral health services in Michigan have a voice – they vote – and they want to be heard!
Each year, we draw more than 1,500 advocates from across Michigan to the Capitol Building to support public behavioral healthcare. This rally aims to highlight the need for increased funding for mental health services, raises awareness of behavioral health needs in health and policy discussions and works to banish behavioral health stigmas.
There are more than 300,000 citizens in Michigan who seek behavioral health services. Join us on Wednesday, September 17, 2025, as we rally together on the Capitol Lawn for increased mental health funding and the need for behavioral health to be continually included in policy discussions.