Become a Member • CMHAM - Community Mental Health Association of Michigan
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Become a Member

“Which Type of Membership is Right for Me?”

Whether you are applying to become an Affiliate Member or a Member of the Provider Alliance, benefits with CMHA are amazing!

See a full description of benefits listed below the online membership form to determine what is right for you!

Affiliate Membership dues are structured as follows:

Corporate/Organizational Affiliate Member (Gold) – $2,698/year

Corporate/Organizational Affiliate Member (Silver) – $483/year

Individual Affiliate Member (Gold) – $510/year

Individual Affiliate Member (Silver) – $204/year

Provider Alliance dues are structured as follows:

Provider organizations with annual budgets over $3 million – $2,645/year

Provider organizations with annual budgets of $1 million to $3 million – $1,200/year

Provider organization with annual budgets of $1 million or less – $474/year

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Does your agency find it easier to use Electronic Funds Transfers?  Would you like to set up EFT with CMHA?

Click here for EFT Instructions and Authorization!

You must email remittance to Regina MacDonald at in order to begin this process!

Need a PDF copy of the application instead?

Click Here to Download the Application!

Affiliate Member Level Descriptions:

Corporate/organizational affiliate member (Gold) – $2,698/year

  • Discounts (16.7% of the full price) on a wide range of corporate sponsor/exhibitor opportunities
  • Access to Association’s weekly electronic newsletter The Weekly Update
  • Access to Association’s policy and legislative materials
  • Discounts on Association conferences and trainings for organization’s employees and board members
  • Discounts on National Council for Behavioral Health conferences and trainings for organization’s employees and board members
  • Organization’s listing on the CMHAM website
  • Early access to white papers from the Center for Healthcare Research and Innovation

Corporate/organizational affiliate member (Silver) – $483/year

  • Discounts (16.7% of the full price) on a wide range of corporate sponsor/exhibitor opportunities
  • Access to Association’s weekly electronic newsletter The Weekly Update
  • Access to Association’s policy and legislative materials

Individual affiliate member (Gold) – $510/year

  • Access to Association’s weekly electronic newsletter The Weekly Update
  • Access to Association’s policy and legislative materials
  • Discounts on Association conferences and trainings for the individual member
  • Discounts on National Council for Behavioral Health conferences and trainings for the individual member
  • Early access to white papers from the Center for Healthcare Research and Innovation

Individual affiliate member (Silver) – $204/year

  • Access to Association’s weekly electronic newsletter The Weekly Update
  • Access to Association’s policy and legislative materials


Provider Alliance Benefits Description:

  • Access to Association’s weekly electronic newsletter The Weekly Update
  • Discounts on Association conferences and trainings for organization’s employees and board members
  • Discounts on National Council for Behavioral Health conferences and trainings for organization’s employees and board members
  • Discounts (16.7% of the full price) on a wide range of corporate sponsor/exhibitor opportunities
  • Participation in monthly meetings of the Provider Alliance during which information on a range of topics is reviewed and discussed, often leading to the development of recommendations to the Association
  • Access to a dedicated governmental affairs lobbyist to help with issues specific to the legislative needs of private providers
  • Organization’s listing on the CMH Association of Michigan website
  • Access to Association’s policy and legislative materials
  • Early access to white papers from the Association’s Center for Healthcare Integration and Innovation (CHI2)
  • Provider Alliance members participate in the governance of the CMH Association:
    1. Representatives of the Provider Alliance are members of the CMH Association’s Executive Board and Association Committees
    2. Representative of the Provider Alliance has a seat at the quarterly CMH Association’s Directors Forum

Provider Alliance members (or those applying to join the Provider Alliance) with annual budgets below $3 million, who wish to pay the reduced Provider Alliance dues associated with their budget size, must submit, to the CMH Association, their organization’s most recent audited financial statement that contains the organization’s annual budget. This can be emailed to Monique Francis at  If an organization does not wish to submit such an audited statement, the organization’s Provider Alliance dues will be the dues of organizations with annual budgets greater than $3 million.

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